If you’re more of the DIY type but need a little help or motivation with your organization project - we can help! We offer E-Organization services providing you support, product recommendations and a step by step detailed plan for your space. If you’re not up for a big project, even making a few small changes around the house can make a big impact. So if you’re easing into the organization process or completely overhauling your space, we wanted to share a few of our go-to tips.

Tip #1: Removing items from their packaging is a quick and effective way to save space. Putting them in clearly labeled containers not only looks nice but it also seals the product giving them a longer shelf life. Pro tip: if you want to save the nu…

Tip #1: Removing items from their packaging is a quick and effective way to save space. Putting them in clearly labeled containers not only looks nice but it also seals the product giving them a longer shelf life. Pro tip: if you want to save the nutritional facts, expiration date, etc. cut them out and put them in a clear sleeve on the back of the container.

Tip #2: Swapping out all your mismatched hangers. You wouldn’t believe the difference this makes in the look of your closet. You can get these felt hangers in bulk on Amazon, Costco, & Bed Bath & Beyond. I switched to these felt hangers from…

Tip #2: Swapping out all your mismatched hangers. You wouldn’t believe the difference this makes in the look of your closet. You can get these felt hangers in bulk on Amazon, Costco, & Bed Bath & Beyond. I switched to these felt hangers from the plastic ones about 5 years ago and could never go back!

Tip #3: Label, label, label! We live by the motto “A place for everything, everything in it’s place.” Adding labels ensures items will make it back to their place. For certain areas storage needs are ever changing. Using bin clips like the one above…

Tip #3: Label, label, label! We live by the motto “A place for everything, everything in it’s place.” Adding labels ensures items will make it back to their place. For certain areas storage needs are ever changing. Using bin clips like the one above allow you to easily switch out the insert as the contents of the container change. This style can be found at The Container Store and comes in a variety of colors.

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Tip #4: File folding. Transform your drawers by file folding your items, also known as the KonMari method. This folding style works everywhere in the home from your dish towels to your denim. Instead of stacking items and not being able to see every…

Tip #4: File folding. Transform your drawers by file folding your items, also known as the KonMari method. This folding style works everywhere in the home from your dish towels to your denim. Instead of stacking items and not being able to see everything, file folding allows you to see it all at once!

We hope you’ve enjoyed these tips! - The OC CO. Team